Thursday, December 18, 2008

A ten minute video about a community of Poor Clares in Ireland.

Thanks Mary!


Chiara said...

Hi Sara,

Happy to see you posted the Irish PCCs from Galway video I sent you! Don't you just love them! There is another earlier and shorter video on these PCCs - it's about them launching their new website. It's at the same Irish TV site (RTE TV) this video you posted came from. Whether to post it or just for you to see, it's at: . A friend put this 10 min video on the Love to be Catholic video site, but he didn't do it to this one. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

"colettine" email

Chiara said...

Hi Sara,

Again! I meant to give you the name of this second video! Scroll down to the title, "Nuns' website generates huge traffic". Sorry, long day!